5 poutine sauces for your homemade cheese squick squick
Looks like poutine weather.
That's why we suggest 5 poutine sauce recipes for you to treat yourself to.
So that as soon as you have the chance, you take the time to make your homemade cheese curds and that during the last hour of production, you quietly prepare a mautadine of good Pout sauce!
5 poutine sauce recipes:
1 - The traditional:
It's a good comforting poutine sauce! For Bob Le Chef's recipe, it's here .
2 - Pepper sauce:
It's a sauce that has its little kick in addition! For the P'tite Fourchette recipe, it's here.
3 - Vegetarian sauce
Fortunately, there are always great alternatives for vegetarians and vegans. For the Mamzelle Beetroot recipe, it's here .
4 - The wine sauce
Yes, please, wine in my poutine sauce! For the Recipes from Quebec recipe, it's here .
5. Creamy sauce
Oh yes ! This sauce is pretty sexy, For the recipe of Food la vie, it's here .