With Halloween approaching, we’ve whipped up a scary-good recipe that’ll have everyone eyeing your creations!
This spooky bite will surprise your guests and showcase your delicious homemade mozzarella (in the form of bocconcini). It’s quick and easy to prepare!
Cheesy Eyeballs Recipe
10 homemade bocconcini*
10 slices of prosciutto
10 stuffed green olives
Red hot sauce (to taste)
* “Bocconcini” means "little bite." Just shape tiny balls from your fresh mozzarella. To improve your smooth ball-making technique, check out our mozzarella-making video starting at the 16-minute mark.
Using a knife, make a hole halfway into each bocconcini, large enough to fit a stuffed olive.
Add a drop of hot sauce at the bottom of each hole, then place a stuffed olive inside each bocconcini.
Wrap each bocconcini with a slice of prosciutto.
Arrange them on a plate and enjoy.